Payroll listing for LCSO
The case of Hope Olivia Moore

More cases on the Lumpkin County Sheriff’s Office
Open records portal – http://www.lumpkincounty.gov/FormCenter/Sheriffs-Office-8/Lumpkin-County-Sheriffs-Office-Open-Reco-76
The case of officer Ryan Mueller
Open records portal https://www.lumpkincounty.gov/FormCenter/Sheriffs-Office-8/Lumpkin-County-Sheriffs-Office-Open-Reco-76
GIS Maps Lumpkin County Ga https://www.lumpkincounty.gov/169/Geographical-Information-Systems-GIS
Jackson v. Denno https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/378/368/
Peach court case docs https://peachcourt.com/Search?t=Civil
Where Mueller works now https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=774769914679302&set=a.229165242573108
Welcome back to another shields of shame video. Good to have you back! In this video we highlight trespassing and property lines, police corruption and misconduct, cops lying under oath with no consequences and the perks of being a bootlicker, spoiler alert Officer Mueller moved to the Canton Police Department in Georgia where he has been promoted to SGT. Sit back and prepare to witness a short mini series about officer Mueller, at the time with the Lumpkin County Sheriff’s Office in Georgia, but we can be confident he is still up to his old ways. We will soon find out. Thank you for your support and please like, share and subscribe for more content like this. Thank you
#PoliceMisconductExposed, #LegalJustice, #CorruptionRevealed, #KnowYourRights, #AccountabilityMatters, #LawEnforcementEthics, #TruthSeekers, #CivilRights, #PoliceAccountability, #TransparencyMatters

Court transcripts

Property Lines

Ryan Mueller, Canton Police department
Diane Kimmel – Lumpkin sheriff’s office
Kyle Rosso – Lumpkin sheriff’s office
John Simpson – Lumpkin sheriff’s office
Clifford Devore – Lumpkin sheriff’s office
Jamison Grulla – Lumpkin sheriff’s office
Jacob Woodeall – Lumpkin sheriff’s office
Danny Rider – Lumpkin sheriff’s office
Sterling Cole – Lumpkin sheriff’s office
9.13.23 Open records for Christopher C. Holman / Fired and decertified for involvement with inmates
Brady list – https://giglio-bradylist.com/individual/christopher-c-%20holman
Disclaimer: This webpage is not an official government page or an emergency line. It is dedicated to displaying information about police misconduct and naming the agencies involved. The content provided here is for informational purposes only and does not constitute official records or legal advice. In case of an emergency, please contact your local authorities or dial 911. For official information, please refer to the appropriate government or law enforcement websites.
police misconduct law enforcement accountability public safety officer misconduct police transparency police oversight misconduct reporting police ethics public trust community safety law enforcement agencies police corruption misconduct exposure officer integrity justice reform police investigation citizen rights misconduct database police reform public accountability
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