Disclaimer: This webpage is not an official government page or an emergency line. It is dedicated to displaying information about police misconduct and naming the agencies involved. The content provided here is for informational purposes only and does not constitute official records or legal advice. In case of an emergency, please contact your local authorities or dial 911. For official information, please refer to the appropriate government or law enforcement websites.

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You can communicate with IA!!

Mr. Blume,

“You have been extremely rude, and incredibly disrespectful. Due to that, this will be my last communication with you unless you would like to move forward with this request. The hours estimated are for the time it takes our unit and and additional units to search, gather, review, redact, and provide the information you requested. So again, if you would like to move forward with this request, please follow the instructions provided. If not, please advise and I will close out your request.” Retaliation on the 1st Amendment.

My response –

Please escalate this request to internal affairs for review and also my complaint of excessive fee’s with no real way for me to ascertain what I am paying for. So This is a complaint and I am asking you to forward this to IA, also refrain from interjecting your feelings while you are acting on behalf of the Atlanta Police Department. I suggest you visit the 1st amendment. You are expected to take criticism as the supreme court has upheld many times as protected speech. Your ratiltory remarks are in violation of my 1st amendment as you took action to prevent it.

I look forward to hearing from Internal Affairs on this matter.

AG APD Complaint 8.2.23

Subject: Formal Complaint Regarding Incomplete Invoice and Denied Information Request from the Atlanta Police Department

Dear Attorney Generals Office,

I am writing to formally address a matter related to a recent request for specific files from the Atlanta Police Department (APD). On 7.30.23, I submitted a request seeking the following information:

1. Officer J. Lowry’s personnel records (Date of Birth: 8.15.84) and employment history (Started on 07/24/2007 at APD PPsoft 30210).

2. Brian B. Thomas’s personnel records (Date of Birth: 3/27/82) and employment history (Started on 2/11/2003 at APD).

3. Disciplinary file for both officers.

4. Any Internal Affairs (IA) video interviews.

5. Images on file with the agency.

6. Records of public complaints.

7. First page of all use-of-force incidents involving the mentioned officers.

8. Any available dash or body camera footage for the officers on the dates April 29, 2011.

In response to my request, I received an invoice from the Atlanta PD, dated 8.2.23, requesting a payment of $304.96. However, I noticed that the invoice lacked an itemized breakdown of the charges, providing only a generalized fee. Given the significance of this payment, I promptly contacted ORC Kourtney Jones ( seeking a detailed explanation of the charges to understand the specific components for which I was being billed. Regrettably, my request for clarification was denied, leaving me with unanswered questions.

As a concerned citizen, I firmly believe in the importance of transparent and accountable governance. Understanding the basis for the fees incurred in fulfilling my request is crucial to ensuring transparency in the process. The absence of an itemized breakdown in the invoice, coupled with the refusal to provide the requested information, has left me feeling dissatisfied and uncertain about the legitimacy of the charges.

I kindly request that the Atlanta Police Department promptly provide me with a comprehensive and itemized explanation of the fees outlined in the invoice. Additionally, I expect a clarification as to why my initial request for specific information was denied, as it is my right, as per relevant regulations and statutes, to access public records within lawful boundaries.

I trust that the Atlanta PD shares my commitment to maintaining open and accountable relations with the community it serves. I hope that this matter will be addressed in a timely and professional manner, fostering trust between the public and law enforcement agencies.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to receiving a satisfactory response within a reasonable timeframe.

8.2.23 Maybe I am stupid but wtf is this? A blank invoice.

16 hours to do what? I can redact 20 or 30 videos and hundreds of pages of documents and still go grocery shopping, change tires, oil change…and that is not even my job! Liars!





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Disclaimer: This webpage is not an official government page or an emergency line. It is dedicated to displaying information about police misconduct and naming the agencies involved. The content provided here is for informational purposes only and does not constitute official records or legal advice. In case of an emergency, please contact your local authorities or dial 911. For official information, please refer to the appropriate government or law enforcement websites.

police misconduct law enforcement accountability public safety officer misconduct police transparency police oversight misconduct reporting police ethics public trust community safety law enforcement agencies police corruption misconduct exposure officer integrity justice reform police investigation citizen rights misconduct database police reform public accountability

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