To: Lieutenant Facquita Small-Lloyd, Southside Precinct/Patrol
From: Lieutenant Facquita Small-Lloyd, Southside Precinct/Patrol
Date: June 16, 2020
Subject: Officer Blackwell
On 6/09/20, Cpl Sheller advised me on a DUI/Accident (200609050) where Ofc Blackwell had an issue with a Blood Test Kit leaking and disposed of it. Cpl Sheller and I attempted to locate the ARS and GEARS report without any success.
On 6/12/20, Cpl Sheller and I again checked for an ARS/ Gears report from Ofc Blackwell and did not locate one. I sent Ofc Blackwell an email informing him to write a report immediately and if an arrest was made write a report in ARS as well. Cpl Sheller and I watched Ofc Blackwell’s BWC of the incident and it showed Chatham Ems place the glass vials into one of the pieces of foam then into the box. I notified Lt. Small-Lloyd about the incident and that I could not locate a report from Ofc Blackwell.
Cpl Sheller and I went to the Property Room and spoke with Luisander Muniz. I asked Mr. Muniz if we could safely examine the contexts of the two Biohazardous Containers that were in the officer’s area of the property room. Mr. Muniz advised us that we could and brought out another container from the storage area.
Cpl Sheller and I dumped out all three containers and did not locate the vials or the kit. I searched the trashcan after Mr. Muniz advised me that the trash had not been emptied since 6/8/20. I did not locate any vials or Blood Test Kits. The dumpster outside of the property room was locked and the trash can outside of the civilian entrance did not have any vials or Blood Test Kits. I took photographs of the contents of all three containers and the interior trash can.
Cpl Sheller recorded the surveillance footage from inside the Property Room. The footage shows Ofc Blackwell walk into the Property Room with the Blood Test Kit and walk out a moment later with the Blood Test Kit.
On 6/13/20, I read Ofc Blackwell’s ARS report and unapproved it. The report was lacking many details about the incident including how the Blood Test Kits was damaged and where it was located. I included notes as to why I unapproved it. I also unapproved the GEARS report because it was unclear how the accident occurred.
As of 0600 hours on 6/17/20, both the ARS and GEARS reports were still not corrected. I advised Ofc Blackwell to correct both reports. At approximately 0940 hours Cpl Sheller and I read both reports. The GEARS report was corrected and approved. In the ARS report many of the issues were corrected, but the report advised “I disposed of the kit as a biohazard material at the Property Room”. I notified Lt. Small-Lloyd of the discrepancy in what was in the report and what I observed on camera and the contents Biohazardous Containers and trash cans.
At approximately 1000 hours on 6/17/20, Cpl Sheller and I spoke with Ofc Blackwell at the precinct. Cpl Sheller asked Ofc Blackwell about what happened with the Blood Test Kit and advised him of the importance of truthfulness. Ofc Blackwell stated that the kit fell inside of his vehicle and he noticed blood was leaking out of the corner of the box. Ofc Blackwell stated he called Cpl Sheller and was advised to dispose of the box in a Biohazardous Container at the Property Room.
Ofc Blackwell advised he placed the placed the Blood Test Kit in a bag and then into a trash can. I asked Ofc Blackwell where the trashcan was, and he stated he could not remember. I asked Ofc Blackwell if the trash can was at the property room and he replied that it was not. I read Ofc Blackwell the sentence “I disposed of the kit as a biohazard material at the Property Room” from his report. I asked Ofc Blackwell why he put in his report that it was disposed of at the Property Room and not that it was put into a trash can and he replied that he did not know.
Cpl Sheller and I counselled Ofc Blackwell in the importance of writing accurate Police Reports, proper disposal of evidence and provided him with a copy of Go #ADM-004 Oath of Office, Ethics and Conduct.
You were placed on Administrative Leave with pay until further notice from the Internal Affairs Unit. During the time you are on Administrative Leave with pay, you are directed to remain at your residence during duty hours: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Any periods of absence from your residence during your duty hours must be preauthorized, by the Internal Affairs Office, Lieutenant David Barefield, Jr., or designee. You are not allowed to discuss this case with anyone except members of the Internal Affairs Unit. You are not allowed to enter any SPD City facility. You are only authorized entry into these facilities under the escort of a member from the Internal Affairs Unit, or their designee. You are to notify the Internal Affairs Unit if anyone attempts to discuss this case with you.

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