Listen to the call made by officer Gomez of the Harlem police department as he describes what Russell is wanted for! All body cam from this incident has been requested from RCSO
The 911 CAD sheet, always request this as it contains the information needed to request the body cam!

From that I requested the body cam and sent them the CAD sheet, they are not connected. Now we wait for the body cam, all we know is that was an insane stroke of luck, especially since it was the day after the Harlem PD interaction Russell had over a social media concern. It is still unknown what actually happened but the focus is Russell. Well, it started out as a body cam request with Thomson PD where they gave him up really super fast, especially since they know who I am as they gave me body cam before on him.
You can really dive down in these cases, anyone can do it, the blueprint is right here. I have no special access, I created it 🙂 I have no special pass, it’s at the library of congress, the bill of rights. I am just a casual guy, showing you how casual it really is.

We are also waiting on the June 10, 2024 body cam of Richard Russell being questioned by Harem Police
Richard Alexander Russell, the cop that violated JERMAINE JONES rights and is the reason why Jermaine is no longer with us!
I received the last batch of the Jermaine Jones GBI case files today, after a year many attorney general complaints, open records violations, violation of oath, derelict of duty, lies, deception, dishonesty, bad faith actors and much much more, for only $9.99… it did not come with any more officer interviews, one single doctor interview, they didn’t really want to help this kid.
I did get Leslie Gaiters patrol car GPS report, first time finding out about this report. No redactions either so it won’t cost!
Seems simple to understand, check out the traveling too fast, see, there are ways they can be caught, just nobody is watching!
XLS versions
This has been the most eye opening experience of all of the cases I work on. The corruption is intense and flows from many directions from many branches of government. From tampering with body cam to open records violations.
And Russell has a criminal past, WILD!!
WE HAVE FINALLY RECEIVED THE CASE FILES AND BODY CAM!!! Because of your support we got it!! Thank you
They tampered with the body cam!
Richmond County Sheriff’s Office 400 Walton Way, Augusta, GA 30901

Jermaine Jones was tased by Richmond County Sheriffs Office deputies after a simple traffic stop turned deadly. All 7 officers involved were cleared by the DA in Dec 2022. The case is closed and all officers are still on duty in Augusta, Georgia.
For the last year I have been working on this case. Initially my requests for records pertaining to the case were denied as the case was still pending Jared Williams, the DA’s decision to investigate. I had to come up with a way around this road block to obtain the records and find the truth.
A man was dead and police caused it and I had to find out what happened. So the journey began, there were 7 officers involved and present during the incident.

Officer Chris brown initiated a traffic stop based on what the police report states is an illegal tinted tag cover, as seen in the image and reflected in the incident report below.

As seen in the image of the tag, the letters and numbers can easily be seen.
It shall be the duty of the operator of any vehicle to keep the license plate legible at all times. No license plate shall be covered with any material unless the material is colorless and transparent. The actual law
We could stop here as the stop itself was unlawful, Christopher Brown had that opportunity. He decided he didn’t care about the actual laws!
The tag was easily visible and also this happened late evening. Once Brown made the stop for the tag violation the drug suppression team was called, this team consisted of Richard Russell and a few other goons like John Tarpley and Terry Parks.
The docu-series starts off with Christopher Brown.
Disclaimer: This webpage is not an official government page or an emergency line. It is dedicated to displaying information about police misconduct and naming the agencies involved. The content provided here is for informational purposes only and does not constitute official records or legal advice. In case of an emergency, please contact your local authorities or dial 911. For official information, please refer to the appropriate government or law enforcement websites.
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