Reference video

Jul 15, 2024, 1am Facebook messenger
Carter: Who sent you the video of Quanay Carter?
Carter: Missed audio call 12:39 PM
Billy: Hey how’s it going. Who are you ?
Carter: Quanay Carter
Carter: Who sent you the video ?
Billy: Bro, what’s the issue with the video? Just tell me and maybe I can help you
Carter: Of the body cam
Billy: Those privacy complaints go nowhere btw
Billy: I just don’t get it.. I blurred the female and child
Carter: How did you get the body cam footage
Carter: My mother and her house is exposed
Carter: As well as my brother and niece
Billy: Exposed for what?
Carter: So where sis you get the footage from detective varnes
Carter: Did
Carter: ?
Billy: From the Georgia Post council
Billy: The ones that decertified you
Carter: I’m still certified
Billy: So that’s not true
Carter: No your not it’s how I got the case files
Billy: I only get decertified cops
Carter: The body cam footage
Billy: What’s the real issue here man? I’m an exconvict so I’ll understand just tell me
Carter: Where did the body cam footage come from
Carter: That’s not on the post council
Billy: Have you seen my other videos?
Billy: Most are decertified cops
Carter: How did you get varnes body cam footage after 3 years
Billy: You are an anomaly fr.. you don’t look bad .. well as a probation cop you do but you are solid
Billy: If you snitched I never would have published it
Carter: I’m not worried bout that my concern is your showing my moms face
Billy: But you didn’t and that was fucking insane
Carter: How did you get the footage?
Billy: I just told you
Carter: Show me
Carter: That’s not on there
Carter: ?
Missed audio call 12:53 PM
Billy: I didn’t have to redact what I did but nobody looks bad in the video man
Carter: How did the footage come out and my mother residence in the video
Billy: I blurred whoever the female are child in the door are
Carter: I’m talking about my mother
Billy: There are tons of residential homes in body cam
Carter: How did you get the footage sir
Billy: I got the body cam from your investigative file from post
Billy: I have no plans to go further but I could just saying.. I’m sure the cop in the video is dirty
Billy: I could get more, way more but I don’t have time as I have cops that do way worse
Carter: Did you get it from him?
Carter: If so I will not report your page
Carter: Just him
Carter: Imma need you to blur that house out and my mothers face

Quanay replied to You
Carter: That’s not the footage

Billy: GDIC sent me your image and IA file

Carter: This stuff is screenshots
Billy: Come on man, you think I got a thing with that goofy cop? LOL
Billy: I do hundreds of requests a month, it’s mostly random
Billy: I have no idea who you are or the cops in the body cam
Carter: Those videos not on there
Billy: I don’t release the full body cam
Billy: You are not seeing it all
Billy: It’s only about the shooting.. if it was any other cops there would be outside agencies looking for the shooter but not for you
Billy: Some goofy fat cop was on the job
Billy: You were shot 4 times, notice how I didn’t guide the video towards your affiliation and that’s because I don’t fuck with criminals .. only cops!!
Carter: I’m not even in a gang for one
Carter: The whole video bogus
Billy: That’s what they said not me
Carter: Who
Billy: The cop in the video
Billy: He stated it
Carter: And the video is not on public records
Carter: Just called the police
Carter: They confirmed that
Billy: Huh? I didn’t get it from them
Carter: How u got the video

Billy: From them! The highest law agency in the state and the ones that certified you
Billy: Bro, before you attack me, read my channel .. seriously, I get most of my case loads from POST, I have 1400 videos
Billy: I assure you I don’t know you or those dumb ass cops
Billy: You are a small fish, I have cops with millions of views
Billy: I respect you tho
Billy: I spent 5 years in prison in Ga so that silence thing was fucking solid
Billy: It’s why I’m not interested in going further
Billy: But I’m Not lying to you!
Billy: Read all about what I do
Billy: I’ve answered your questions, I rarely do that but one question for you.. how TF did you find out about the video?????
Carter: I’m not even famous
Carter: My name ring bells and I need you to blur that house and my mothers face
Billy: Anyone can drive by and take a pic of your house, anyone can take a pic of you too. Anyone can get these case files. I usually make a whole series on a cop and I could here with you as well but I gave you a pass for being 100
Billy: I could get records from the local agencies also
Billy: This is a one off video for me! TBH I’m more interested in that white boy than anyone else
Carter: All your videos is traffic stops
Billy: Negative
Carter: That body cam footage ain’t on the page
Jul 15, 2024, 3:17 PM carter, quanay.pdf 94.4 KiB
yes, your certification has been revoked.
why did you leave Valdosta?
Carter: The video is not on there the only thing on that site is correction officer stuff
Carter: So where did the video come from
Jul 15, 2024, 6:00 PM
Billy: Are you serious? I told you now, why did you leave Valdosta? You know I can find out right
Carter: Ask the same detective
Jul 30, 2024, 2:20 PM
Carter: Your boy just got fired
Carter: Now do one on him
Aug 1, 2024, 8:02 PM
Billy: Fired for?
Guess what I get after this message started? On July 15th

This is how the records come now

How they used to come for 3 years, until 7.15.24!! Now it is a complete mess

I have a request incoming, we will see how that one looks!
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