At one point RCSO wanted to charge me $130 for their Policy book. I got it free!
Richmond County Sheriffs Office Augusta, Georgia USA
Even more violations! 8.3.23
Now everything can be seen together, to bring clarity to the real criminals.
New ORR 7.21.23 , this is in conjunction with an ORR I have in with the GBI on Wilson. Here is the story on Wilson / Follow the GBI ORR here
This is my first request for BWC on Wilson. I am expecting a lot of exemptions!

ORR Violation / request never filled.. they sent a snail to get it, the snail was run over then they resorted to a pigeon.. currently I am looking out the window up in the sky 🙂
This case is about a DFCS worker that left her notepad in a home of a person she was doing whatever to ,she needed it back and the homeowner became angry .. the DFCS worker got pissed off and called the cops, if this ever happened to you MAKE SURE THE COP HAS HIS BODY CAM ON, but she did, she called the cops, this crazy cop shows up and starts to do god knows what. It is a cop that was decertified by POST, he is a truck driver today with no assets. The charges were Undue Force.
This is a clear use of prior restraint to prevent me from publishing this story. It is also a crime to violate the Georgia Open Records Act, a title I have learn to recite quite fluently 50-18-74,
§ 50-18-74. Penalty for violations; procedure for commencement of prosecution.
(a) Any person or entity knowingly and willfully violating the provisions of this article by failing or refusing to provide access to records not subject to exemption from this article, by knowingly and willingly failing or refusing to provide access to such records within the time limits set forth in this article, or by knowingly and willingly frustrating or attempting to frustrate the access to records by intentionally making records difficult to obtain or review shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine not to exceed $1,000.00 for the
Listen to the call
RCSO is withholding his time card for the week Felycia Harris was murdered. They are also not releasing his body cam for that week. They claim it is part of investigative file. They already arrested Jerome Miller for the murder so is Forrest still under investigation? RCSO will not comment on the matter.
Update: All files have been released.
Current request ORR violation
I received a response today 7/18/23 that my request was overlooked. I should have a cost and completion date tomorrow.
“I apologize Mr. Blume, I did not see your request when it came through on June 27th when you sent it. I’m currently working on completing it as quickly as possible. If there are any fees associated with your request I will notify you on Wednesday, July 19, 2023. I again, I apologize for the inconvenience.”
Currently appealing this request
Current ORR not filled
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