12.17.23 Latest update

As of 10.05.23 a status report motion was entered. This case is still moving through the Federal court system
Mark Baton, no longer with LMPD, his last year was 2022. Mark was in an unmarked car when he pulled Mr. Miller over for speeding. Mr. Miller was pulled from his car and repeatedly assaulted by Officers Baton and Browning. Browning put his knee on Mr. Millers head. Mr. Miller was not struggling or resisting. He was given conflicting commands to roll over, and to put his hands behind his back but Batson prevented him from doing so even though he was the one giving Mr. Miller the commands.

LMPD playlist – https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLh5lfsLorl-rLZ4wRiVDVtkqR6xQpO8_g&si=oqe6ehpdlNfdCm4J

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Michael L Johnson / $89,793 / Still employed by We the people!

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