These kids will grow up hating cops because of all of this!! Potter is trying to act all nice and shit but these youngsters know the truth!

“Judges be actin’ crazy!”

Summary of Police narrative. A bunch of lies
On June 13, 2023, at approximately 6:55 pm, Officer Melvin Potter and other Atlanta Police units conducted surveillance in the Allen Temple neighborhood, where they observed four males smoking marijuana. Upon approach, the males began moving suspiciously (copsplaining) and then fled in different directions, ignoring commands to stop. Officer Potter pursued one of the individuals, Mr. Dcoris Toland, who continued to evade commands. After catching up, Officer Potter attempted to detain Toland, but Toland resisted and attempted to reach for his waistband, where a bulge indicated a possible firearm.
Officer Potter, suspecting a weapon, issued further commands for Toland to surrender his hands, warning of potential strikes if he continued resisting. When Toland refused, Officer Potter struck him in the face to gain compliance. Another unit assisted, successfully subduing Toland and securing a Glock 45 9mm handgun, which was later confirmed as stolen from a South Fulton PD case. After being read his Miranda rights, Toland claimed he was “holding the firearm for someone” but did not specify further. A background check identified Toland as a documented member of the PFK and Goodfellas groups.
IA CASE MELVIN POTTER – 23-C-0332-UAF My request Req sent 10.26.24
Sos page https://shieldsofshame.com/melvin-potter-23-c-0332-uaf/
MELVIN POTTER – 23-C-0332-UAF Struck man in face while handcuffed 6.13.23
Officers Melvin Potter and Kelsey Craddock body cam for the incident
X did not receive All video and audio recordings of Potter and Craddock for the incident
The 2 discs on file from 8.30.23 ( Contains body cam, audio phone call from complainant, OPS statements)
Image on file for M. Buckley, Image on file for J. Collins, Image on file for Carlo Peek – Incident report
Incident report received
Atlanta Open records portal
Images of the cops mentioned in this case
Carlo Peek

Michael Buckley

Justina Collins

Kelsey Craddock

More on Melvin Potter
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