Contact Information
Website for Marta https://www.itsmarta.com/police.aspx
Marta Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/MARTAPolice
Pearlie McKinzie
Open records
- Email: pmckinzie@itsmarta.com
- Direct Phone: 404-848-4900
- Police Administrator: Olivia Moore (404-848-5181)

ACTUAL REQUEST – Image on file, Disciplinary record, Any Garrity or Miranda on file for duration of employment , axon body cam audit trail for duration of employment
May 24, 2024 – Initial request sent to pmckinzie@itsmarta.com – No response


50-18-71 (b) (1) (A) Agencies shall produce for inspection all records responsive to a request within a reasonable amount of time not to exceed three business days of receipt of a request
§ 50-18-74. Penalty for violations; procedure for commencement of prosecution.
(a) Any person or entity knowingly and willfully violating the provisions of this article by failing or refusing to provide access to records not subject to exemption from this article, by knowingly and willingly failing or refusing to provide access to such records within the time limits set forth in this article, or by knowingly and willingly frustrating or attempting to frustrate the access to records by intentionally making records difficult to obtain or review shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine not to exceed $1,000.00
June 11, 2024 FOLLOWUP EMAIL


I forwarded my request to lmwhite@itsmarta.com per the email from McKinzie- No response

June 17, 2024 Phone call to Olivia Moore the police admin, she directed me to internal affairs MPDINTERNALAFFAIRS@itsmarta.com
JUNE 17, 2024 Conversation with SGT Newsome of Internal Affairs
Public Information Officer- Sergeant Deneya Littles

North Avenue Station Incident:
February 24, 2023 A man, Osiris Bennett, was shot and killed by MARTA police officers after he reportedly pointed a gun at them. The incident began when officers observed Bennett attempting to smoke marijuana and subsequently tried to issue a citation. A struggle ensued, and Bennett allegedly drew a firearm, leading officers to open fire(11Alive).
MARTA Police Chief Scott Kreher said on-duty officers not in uniform saw Bennett pull out what appeared to be marijuana, and he tried to smoke it as he approached the train platform on the escalators.
Five Points Station Stabbing:
Atlanta, GA (February 25, 2023) A man was shot by a MARTA police officer after he stabbed two people and charged at the officer. The incident occurred at the Five Points MARTA station. The suspect, a 33-year-old man from Wisconsin, and his victims were taken to the hospital in critical condition (11Alive).
GBI Investigates Officer Involved Shooting in Atlanta Involving MARTA PD
East Point Station Shootout:
July 27, 2023 Two men exchanged gunfire at the East Point MARTA station bus loop, both sustaining injuries and being transported to the hospital. This incident caused delays in MARTA service from the station (11Alive).
Arts Center Station Shooting:
Two individuals were injured in a shooting near the Arts Center MARTA station. The victims suffered non-life-threatening injuries, and multiple suspects were taken into custody. Details about the incident are still under investigation (11Alive).
MARTA Officer Domestic Incident:
A MARTA police sergeant shot her ex-boyfriend after he attacked her during an argument outside the Five Points MARTA station. The sergeant sustained bruises and cuts, while the ex-boyfriend was hospitalized with non-life-threatening injuries (11Alive).

Forwarded to Lieutenant Leroy White lmwhite@itsmarta.com
Pearlie McKinzie automated email that outlines she is out and Leroy was available for open records requests.
I will be out of the office from June 2 thru June 16, 2024. Lieutenant Leroy White will be acting on my behalf June 2-4 and can be reached at lmwhite@itsmarta.com or 404848-3671. Major Chablis Salters will be acting on my behalf June 5-16 and can be reached at csalters@itsmarta.com or 404848-4919.
On May 24, 2024 I submitted the following open records request Per the Georgia open records act I am requesting the following records pertaining to NILSON ROBERTO MORAES
Image on file, Disciplinary record, Any Garrity or Miranda on file for duration of employment
Axon body cam audit trail for duration of employment – instructions here https://my.axon.com/s/article/Viewing-the-evidence-audit-trail?language=en_US
72 hours is long gone and before I use the AG mediation process I wanted to give Internal Affairs a chance to correct the criminal behavior of violating the open records laws.
50-18-71 (b) (1) (A) Agencies shall produce for inspection all records responsive to a request within a reasonable amount of time not to exceed three business days of receipt of a request
Please look into this request. I emailed my request to pmckinzie@itsmarta.com
#MARTAPolice #AtlantaPolice #GeorgiaPolice #PoliceCorruption #PoliceAccountability #OpenRecords #TransparencyMatters #PublicRecords #GovernmentTransparency #JusticeForAll #ATLPolitics #CorruptionWatch #LawEnforcementReform #ATLCommunity #GeorgiaNews #AccountabilityNow #AtlantaGA #ATLNews #ExposeCorruption #CitizensRights
MARTA Police Department, Atlanta Police, Georgia Police, police corruption, open, records violations, MARTA corruption, Atlanta government, Georgia corruption, police accountability, public records, government transparency, justice reform, law, enforcement reform, ATL politics, transparency in government, Georgia news, Atlanta community, corruption investigation, law enforcement transparency
MARTA open records, accountability in policing, Atlanta public records
Georgia public records, police reform, exposing corruption
Disclaimer: This webpage is not an official government page or an emergency line. It is dedicated to displaying information about police misconduct and naming the agencies involved. The content provided here is for informational purposes only and does not constitute official records or legal advice. In case of an emergency, please contact your local authorities or dial 911. For official information, please refer to the appropriate government or law enforcement websites.
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