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A detailed investigation report by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) related to a missing Glock 43 firearm, agency-issued to Deputy Joseph Coburn of the Henry County Sheriff’s Office. Below is a summary of key points:
- Firearm Discrepancy: Coburn attempted to return a different Glock (S/N: AGMU290) upon resigning from his position, which did not match the agency-issued Glock (S/N: AFVK928).
- Missing Firearm: Coburn reported the agency-issued Glock 43 missing, claiming it had been misplaced during a personal move six to seven months earlier. The firearm was entered as missing/stolen in the GCIC system.
- Investigation by the GBI: The GBI conducted an extensive investigation, including requesting body-worn camera footage, reviewing documentation from the Henry County Sheriff’s Office, and coordinating with other agencies like the Coweta County Sheriff’s Office.
- Legal Proceedings: Despite the investigation, Coburn’s legal counsel advised him not to answer questions from the GBI. The Henry County Sheriff’s Office ultimately decided not to pursue charges.
- E-Trace and LiNX Searches: Efforts to trace the firearm through national databases yielded no further information. The missing firearm was confirmed as originally sold to the Henry County Sheriff’s Office.
This report highlights a procedural investigation into a missing law enforcement firearm, Coburn’s questionable return of the wrong weapon, and the decision by his former employer not to pursue criminal charges despite concerns over possible theft and falsification of records.

Glock 43, Joseph Coburn, Henry County Sheriff’s Office, Serial number AFVK928, Missing firearm, Stephanie Graham, e-Trace results, Law Enforcement Information Exchange (LiNX), Criminal investigation, Pawn shop search, Firearms Qualification Score Sheet, Agency-issued firearm, Body-worn camera footage, Firearm theft, Coweta County Sheriff’s Office, Legal representation, Nathaniel Beverly, Special Agent in Charge Wayne Smith, Falsification of records, July 20, 2022, Resignation from Henry County, Incident report, GCIC system, Firearm inventory discrepancy, No charges filed, Marc Johnson, Georgia Peace Officer Standards and Training Council (POST), Transfer notice, Obstruction of justice, Michael Yarbrough.
#Glock43 #JosephCoburn #HenryCountySheriff #MissingFirearm #FirearmDiscrepancy #LawEnforcementInvestigation #GBIInvestigation #AgencyIssuedWeapon #SerialNumberAFVK928 #CriminalInvestigation #BodyCamFootage #PawnShopSearch #FalsifiedRecords #FirearmTheft #StephanieGraham #ObstructionOfJustice #NoChargesFiled #CowetaCountySheriff #POSTCouncil #LegalRepresentation
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