Glenn Michael Castro- LAWSUIT

Pay close attention to how Knoop explains the traffic stop, so gentle and kind, he is a chicken shit that is too terrified to tell the truth and they really said and did!! Good for them there were no body cams, nasty ass pig! I will def track his location to Ohio and where ever he works today!

I can’t wait to start investigating Knoop and the rest of them, I want their holiday family get togethers to be full of shame! I want their entire family to know what kind of nasty vile animals they really are! This stupid pig has no idea about law.


Where is Kyle Knoop today? He is a cop in Ohio!

I was blocked by the Mayor Robin Oda of Troy Ohio for posting a link to this page on her official mayor Facebook page. My comment removed and I was blocked.

#FirstAmendmentRights #FreeSpeech #ViewpointDiscrimination #Censorship #CivilRights #SocialMediaRights #FreedomOfThePress #PublicForum #ConstitutionalRights #OhioLaw #GovernmentAccountability #RobinOda #TroyOhio #LegalComplaint #DigitalRights #CitizensRights #ProtectFreeSpeech #UnlawfulBlocking #PublicOfficials #FirstAmendmentViolations

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So I filed a complaint with the Attorney General of Ohio Dave Yost

Dear Attorney General,

I am writing to formally file a complaint against Mayor Robin Oda of Troy, Ohio, concerning what I believe to be a violation of my First Amendment rights.

On August 10, 2024, I posted a link on Mayor Oda’s official government Facebook page to a lawsuit involving a former Savannah Police Department officer, Kyle Knoop. Shortly after, my post was deleted, and I was subsequently blocked from accessing Mayor Oda’s page. As this page is used by Mayor Oda to communicate with constituents and discuss city business, it constitutes a public forum. The removal of my post and the subsequent block appear to be a clear act of viewpoint discrimination, infringing on my rights to free speech and freedom of the press.

The First Amendment protects the rights of individuals to express their views in public forums, including those created on social media by government officials. It is my understanding that public officials cannot suppress speech simply because they disagree with the content, especially when that speech pertains to matters of public concern.

I respectfully request that your office investigate this matter and take appropriate action to ensure that my rights, and the rights of other citizens, are upheld in accordance with the Constitution.

Thank you for your attention to this important issue.

Transcript notes:

Knoop testified in court that Notto gave him permission to search! Knoop got caught in a lie when the lawyer asked him if the drugs fell out of his pants, did Knoop actually see the drugs fall out? Knoop stated no! Another nasty vile lying pig!

A “via proffer” is a legal term referring to the process by which an attorney offers or presents evidence or testimony to the court without the need for the actual witness to testify live. This is often done by summarizing what the witness would say if they were called to testify.

Key Points:

  • Purpose: The purpose of a proffer is to inform the judge or opposing counsel about the substance of the evidence or testimony. This can help the judge make decisions about the admissibility of the evidence or whether a particular issue needs to be explored further.
  • Types of Proffers:
    • Oral Proffer: The attorney verbally summarizes the evidence or testimony.
    • Written Proffer: The attorney submits a written summary or statement of what the evidence or testimony would be.
  • Use in Court: Proffers are commonly used in pre-trial hearings, plea negotiations, and during trials when the admissibility of evidence is in question. For example, if there’s a dispute about whether certain evidence should be admitted, the attorney might make a proffer to explain what the evidence would show.
  • Limited Use: The court typically does not consider a proffered statement as actual evidence unless it is admitted during the trial.

A proffer helps streamline proceedings by allowing the court to make decisions without requiring the actual presentation of all the evidence at that moment.

404 (b) motion explained –

The Jackson-Denno case law originates from the Supreme Court decision in Jackson v. Denno, 378 U.S. 368 (1964). This landmark case established the requirement that a judge, rather than a jury, must determine the voluntariness of a defendant’s confession before it can be presented to the jury.

Key Points:

  • Background: In Jackson v. Denno, the defendant claimed that his confession was coerced and thus involuntary. The trial judge allowed the jury to decide the voluntariness of the confession while simultaneously considering the defendant’s guilt or innocence.
  • Supreme Court Ruling: The Supreme Court ruled that allowing the jury to decide the voluntariness of a confession while also determining guilt could be prejudicial. The Court held that a separate, pre-trial hearing must be conducted by a judge to determine whether a confession was made voluntarily.
  • Jackson-Denno Hearing: As a result of this ruling, a “Jackson-Denno hearing” is now a pre-trial procedure where the judge hears evidence and arguments to decide if the defendant’s confession was voluntary. If the judge finds that the confession was voluntary, it can be admitted into evidence; if not, it is excluded.

This ruling is significant in protecting a defendant’s Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination and ensuring that any confession admitted as evidence is not the result of coercion or improper influence.

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