Attorney General of Florida Open Records Complaint
1.2.24 I will file my complaints tomorrow on all of these violations, they have had way more than enough reasonable time, Florida does not have a completion time like Georgia does, in Georgia it is 72 hours, they simply state in a reasonable amount of time. 2 months is enough time!
The take away here is this, the ORC (open records custodian) IF corrupt will immediately try to use prior restraint by using high fees, filling out forms and nonsense. No forms requited, an email and your real name (if you want the AG to mediate) but that is it. hey will also do what the ORC is doing here, ignore the request.
The highest law agency in the state will not respond to open records requests.

01.2.24 Dylan Ray Wright Global Profile request
12.19.23 No responcse
11.27.23 Craig Charles Scott request, no response
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