David Tulis

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What the judges were actually doing

On the Tennessee courts website, that;s real pro


The meeting the judges held at the hotel planned by the AOC. Paid for by YOU!

A room full of judges cheers the unconstitutional arrest of David Tulis. This was the saddest thing I have ever seen in body cam! These judges are super corrupt!

Tennessee Open Meetings act

Tulis v. Orange et al $3,000,000 LAWSUIT! Lawsuit below

Here is a teaser video, private for members. The video is still in production. The man speaking to protect the journalists. John Gentry

John challenged the cops on scene. He was ignored, a room full of judges cheered the unconstitutional arrest of a journalist exercising his rights under the Freedom of press, a 1st amendment guarantee.

The First Amendment to the United States Constitution protects several fundamental rights, including freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, and the right to assemble peacefully and petition the government for redress of grievances. Specifically regarding freedom of the press, the First Amendment ensures that the government cannot abridge the freedom of newspapers, magazines, or other forms of media. It guarantees the right of individuals and the press to express and disseminate information, ideas, and opinions without government censorship or interference. This constitutional protection is crucial for maintaining a free and independent press, which plays a vital role in fostering an informed citizenry and holding those in power accountable.

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