Video part 1, the interview
Detention Officer Brittany Grier was investigated for misconduct in her interactions with an inmate, Dustin Mullins, at Haralson County Sheriff’s Office. Sergeant Browning and Investigator Mecillas found evidence of phone calls between Grier and Mullins, with suggestive content, during Grier’s off days. The phone number traced back to Grier’s username on a text/call app. Grier violated department policies on Prohibited Association and Professional Image.
#MisconductInvestigation, #DetentionOfficerGrier, #HaralsonCountySheriff, #InmateInteraction, #SergeantBrowning, #InvestigatorMecillas, #PhoneCallEvidence, #OffDayCommunication, #PolicyViolation, #ProfessionalStandards, #EthicalBehavior, #CodeOfEthics, #DepartmentPolicies, #LawEnforcement, #PrisonCommunication, #InmateRelations, #PublicTrust, #Professionalism, #CriminalInvestigation, #ImageMaintenance
OPEN RECORDS: Per the Georgia Open Records Act 50-18-71 I am requesting the following records related to BRITTANY SHAKEL GRIER Service Photo All interviews of ANY officer in relation to the involvement with inmates investigation from Captain Edwin Ivey Witness Sergeant Cali Chambers March 3, 2021

Doris did not want to release records so I filed a complaint with the Attorney General and received my open records request. I also requested her emails regarding myself.
Here is Doris Tucker personnel file.

Brittany Fell in love with an inmate named Mullins, here is his rap sheet but you can go search him also https://gdc.georgia.gov I mean this guy is a career criminal, she had to know there was no good outcome!

Captain Edwin Ivey
Jail Division Commander
Haralson County Sheriff’s Office
Phone (770) 646-2011• Fax (770) 537-6177

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