Abdulrahman Ali of Gonzales

We won’t know until we see dash cam and body cam, I think dash cam would show the best as body cams are blocked by open doors. I have had this happen many times.

Ascension Parish Louisiana 

Ascension Parish Sheriff’s Office https://www.facebook.com/AscensionSheriff

Email complaints to: doapublicrecords@la.gov

News sources

INVESTIGATIVE UNIT: Family members meet with APSO following officer-involved shooting


LSP press statement (Fake out narrative)


A man was shot to death while sitting on the trunk of his car late at night by the Ascension Parish County Sheriff’s Office at a gas station.

This is the full video sent to me by the family. This has not been edited and there are no traces of it not being authentic, I have 30 plus years of video editing experience and to the best of my knowledge the video has not been tampered with. It can even be timed with the timer in the top right. This is just a person filming a TV monitor of the video.

Update 2.25.25 The latest email. They are really standing their ground eh. I will give Kyle until Friday like I said in the email. Then I will escalate to his supervisor, then file and AG complaint.

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