Lt. Courtney Dewayne Giddens




How it all started to unfold


BCSO Website


September 8, 2016: Incident of alleged excessive force by Captain Scott Boutwell occurs at Brooks County Jail. Boutwell reportedly knees inmate Stephen Styles, who is handcuffed and held down by other officers.

September 14, 2016: Sheriff Mike Dewey requests the GBI to investigate the incident. GBI Special Agent Jason Seacrist is assigned to the case. Initial interviews and evidence review begin, including surveillance footage of the incident.

April 6, 2017: District Attorney Brad Shealy advises that due to conflicts within the DA’s office, the case will be handled by Alapaha Circuit DA Dick Perryman. The case is expected to be presented to the Grand Jury in October 2017.

October 3, 2017: ADA Patrick Warren, assigned to the case, states that the Grand Jury presentation is postponed due to a plea agreement with the defendants’ attorneys.

January 5, 2018: ADA Patrick Warren informs that victim Walter Eller had died in state prison, possibly from being stabbed. Negotiations for plea agreements with defendants continue.

April 10, 2018: Scott Boutwell pleads guilty to three counts of misdemeanor battery and is sentenced to probation. He surrenders his Georgia P.O.S.T. certification. Negotiations with other defendants are ongoing.

July 23, 2018: ADA Patrick Warren reports that all remaining defendants, except one, have agreed to plea deals.

October 15, 2018: ADA Warren dismisses the warrant against Rina Griffin, who agrees to cooperate in judicial proceedings. Scheduling for remaining defendants to accept their pleas is underway.

October 30, 2019 ADA Register charges Boutwell under 1st and dismisses charges against the other cops

Eller was one of the inmates tortured at the hands of these vile cops

#JusticeForEller #StopPoliceBrutality #EndTorture #AccountabilityNow #InmateRights #ExposeTheAbusers #NoMoreCorruption #HumanRightsMatter #ProtectTheVulnerable #ReformTheSystem #jailshowertreatment

These cops are dumb as a box of rocks

Sometime between then and now all are suspected to be decertified. This case is still being put together certs will be pulled at a later date.

The rest is Brooks County Sheriff’s Office history 

Brooks County Sheriff, Mike Dewey, GBI investigation, excessive force, Captain Scott Boutwell, Brooks County Jail, Jason Seacrist, surveillance footage, inmate Stephen Styles, restraint chair, jail officers, use of force, shower incident, water turned on, inmate treatment, Brooks County, investigation, suspension, law enforcement, misconduct

#BrooksCounty #SheriffMikeDewey #GBI #ExcessiveForce #CaptainScottBoutwell #BrooksCountyJail #InmateTreatment #SurveillanceFootage #InmateRights #LawEnforcement #Misconduct #Investigation #RestraintChair #JailIncident #PoliceAccountability #Justice #PublicSafety #Transparency #PoliceMisconduct #BrooksCountyGA


On September 6, 2016 at approximately 9:30 AM inmate Styles was laying on his bunk when officer Boutwell slapped his feet and said “get your ass up we don’t lay around here”

Styles responded. He had been to the doctor and that he had been given an excuse and therefore permission to be in his bunk. 

Boutwell then order defendant Giddens to get him out of here. Giddens was in the cell when this occurred.

Boutwell then left Styles cell and Giddens helped get Styles belongings together to take to the new cell. 

While Giddens was helping Styles, Giddens called for Pyles assistance as Giddens and Pyle entered Styles cell 

Giddens stated it to Pyle that Styles was going to be placed in cell Block C5

However, Pyle then revealed that that Boutwell had ordered Styles be placed in cell Block A which is a sale block that detainees are placed in as a form of administrative punishment for misbehavior, or noncompliance with Jill rules or regulations.

At all times, relevant to this complaint cell Block C was considered to be a cell which detainees have privileges as opposed to cell block A which is a location in the jail where detainees are locked down and have few or no privileges.

There after that, Boutwell came into the area where Styles was located in as a result, Styles walked towards Boutwell for purposes of requesting to speak to him about a decision to move Styles to cell block A

In response Boutwell stated that he was not going to consider or reconsider styles request to remain in cell Block C.

Upon witnessing Styles disapproval and anger arising from Boutwell’s decision to subject Styles to a location where detainees are placed as a means of punishing them for misbehavior. Boutwell ordered Giddens and Pyle to handcuff Styles which was accomplished without any resistance from Styles.

Upon observing Styles aforementioned disapproval, Boutwell began to force Styles down to the floor by grabbing him around the head and pulling him to the ground when there was no reason or justification for doing so.

Once Styles was on the ground and while tightly handcuffed with his hands behind his back and under the control of Giddens and Pyle, Boutwell began forcefully pass Styles face against the concrete flooring of the jail when to do so without justification or provocation.

After Styles was placed on the ground and while tightly handcuffed with his hands behind his back and under the control of Giddens and Pyle, Boutwell began to violently strike Styles with his knees in the area of Styles rib cage and kidneys. Boutwell kneed and thus battered Styles approximately 10 times without justification or provocation 

After Styles was placed on the ground and while tightly handcuffed with his hands behind his back and under the control of Giddens and Pyle, neither Giddens and Pyle attempted to prevent or interfere with Boutwells needless and brutal assault upon Styles at a time under circumstances when Styles was completely defenseless.

After Styles was lifted to his feet, he was taken to and confined in a lock down cell where Styles remained tightly handcuffed from behind his back for several hours  without justification or provocation.

Once Styles was taken to the aforementioned lock down cell, Styles was not issued a mattress nor a blanket, and thereafter was forced to endure these needless conditions and treatment for a number of hours without justification or any other reason other than to retaliate and cause Styles to suffer great pain.

As a direct and proximal result of having handcuffs tightly placed upon Styles wrists, his hands became painfully numb do to the extreme tightness with which the handcuffs were applied by Giddens and Pyle, a custom and practice which was routinely employed by the staff of the Brooks County jail for the purpose of inflicting insufferable pain upon detainees.

The aforementioned mistreatment of Styles by defendants Boutwell, Giddens and Pyle was the direct and proximate result of racial bias, above and beyond the policies, training and express instructions of the Sheriff and Boutwell, or lack thereof.

At no time did Styles commit any offense in violation, of the laws of the City of Quitman, or the state of Georgia, or the United States.

There was no legal cause to justify the use of force against Styles, and the force used against Styles was both unreasonable and excessive. 

At all times relevant to this complaint, the conduct of each of the defendants was in willful, reckless, and callous disregard of Styles rights under federal and state law.

As a direct and proximate result of the conduct of all defendants, Styles suffered and continues to suffer physical abdominal psychological harm, pain and suffering, some or all of which may have been permanent, and caused financial losses. 

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