Burke County Sheriff’s Office – Georgia
*Shields of shame has not communicated with Jeremy* His side has yet to be told! I have reached out to him but his story is huge and a lot of outlets are covering it.
Open records request https://www.burkecountysheriff.com/open-records-request.cfm
Watch more videos from Jeremy on this issue, he has documented a lot! https://www.facebook.com/jeremy.huffman.96
Watch the full press speech from Sheriff Alfonzo Williams by clicking on the image below, opens in a new window.

Jeremy was arrested for eavesdropping on his own property in his own tree for filming a loud disturbance on the lot next door to his home. The lot is a blank property where individuals are said to be occupying and potentially living. There are no building permits on file, in fact the only permit the county has on file is an electrical permit from 2022 as shown below.
To the Sheriff, as posted on the video he made by yours truly.
Sheriff, you cannot engage in religious activities in your official capacity In summary, while the sheriff’s meeting with religious leaders can foster community relationships and address public safety, it must be handled with care to ensure that it respects the principles of the First Amendment, particularly the separation of church and state. This balance is essential to maintaining the freedom of religion while also upholding community standards and safety.
Expectation of Privacy: If the people on the neighboring property were in a setting where they had a reasonable expectation of privacy, such as in a private, fenced area out of public view, it could be considered an invasion of privacy to record them without consent. However, if the event was loud, visible, or otherwise noticeable (for example, loud music or sounds), it may reduce the expectation of privacy since the activities could be heard or detected from beyond their property lines.
State and Local Laws on Surveillance: In Georgia, it’s generally illegal to use a device to record or photograph people in a private place without their permission. The law defines a “private place” as a location out of public view where people have an expectation of privacy. However, if the man was documenting the noise and gunfire, which might indicate a public disturbance, it may not necessarily fall under “clandestine surveillance.” Additionally, if he remained entirely on his property and did not intrude on theirs physically, he might avoid violating trespassing or invasion of privacy laws.
Potential Legal Defense: The man may have grounds for a defense, arguing he was documenting disturbances (loud music and gunfire) and asserting that he was on his property and not infringing on the neighbors’ rights. If the event was public and noisy, he might contend he had a right to record. It is also important to note no actual conversations were recorded due to the loud music!
To further expand, here are the actual laws by category:
(A): Jail Settings: Recording activities in jails is allowed, except during attorney-client discussions. This applies when the activity is under law enforcement surveillance.
(B): Security on Private Property: Property owners can use devices to record activities in areas without a reasonable expectation of privacy, like driveways or yards visible from the street. This allows for protecting property and deterring crime.
(C): Curtilage of Residence: Homeowners can record activities near their home (curtilage) for security. This applies if the recording does not invade others’ privacy and is shared with law enforcement when necessary.
(D): Law Enforcement Duties: Officers can record activities that occur in their presence while performing their official duties. This applies during arrests, investigations, or other
If the sheriff allowed the loud religious event to continue despite complaints from neighbors, it could potentially violate constitutional principles by not enforcing noise ordinances. The man filming in the tree might have legitimate concerns about the disturbance, reinforcing the argument that the sheriff’s actions could infringe on neighbors’ rights to enjoy their properties.
Residents experiencing such disturbances may have grounds to file complaints or seek legal advice on how to address the situation.
For more information on local noise ordinances and freedom of religion, you can refer to resources such as the ACLU and your local government’s ordinances.
Burke County Planning https://burkecounty-ga.gov/departments/planning_department/index.php
The group was loud and firing guns on the property within the 800′ limitation set by county ordinances. The image below explains the actual Burke County code.
The Burke County code of ordinance can be read here https://library.municode.com/ga/burke_county/codes/code_of_ordinances

The property is owned by Fathers Heart of Georgia inc, they were dissolved in 2015
Property owner

Maps https://maps.columbiacountyga.gov

Bird Dog Politics’s Post (Click the image to read the full post)

Cops involved ( Only a few have been identified as we are waiting on records)
Laura Turner

Dylan Mobley

How did the news people get records before me? That is a serious issue as I made my requests on 10.26.24, 2 days after the incident. Even more corruption!
I-TEAM UPDATE: 911 calls give new details around the arrest of Burke County man https://www.wrdw.com/2024/10/30/i-team-update-911-calls-give-new-details-around-arrest-burke-county-man
Open records requests
Chad Plueger c.plueger@bcso-ga.org
Kimberly Briscoe k.briscoe@bcso-ga.org

The armed group watch the wife with Binoculars
Related images and information sent in by viewers, if you have information related to this please email me at madvideos@gmail.com

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