Here are some stats on the listing
The document contains a list of 1,263 decertified officers in Georgia.
Here is a detailed breakdown of the reasons for decertification, ranked from most to least frequent:
- Untruthful or Deceptive Statements – 75 cases
- Drug-Related Offenses – 30 cases
- Sexual Misconduct or Assault – 23 cases
- DUI (Driving Under the Influence) – 22 cases
- Falsifying Official Documents – 20 cases
- Theft (including Theft by Conversion) – 20 cases
- Criminal Convictions (Felony and Misdemeanor) – 6 cases
- Tampering with Evidence – 1 case
- Improper Use of Firearm – 1 case
- Domestic Violence – 1 case
- Sleeping on Duty – 1 case
- Failure to Cooperate with Internal Investigations – 1 case
- Engagement in Organized Criminal Activities – 1 case
- Perjury – 1 case
- Violation of Facility Security Procedures – 1 case
- Refusal to Take a Polygraph – 1 case
- Public Intoxication – 1 case
- Statutory Rape – 1 case
- Misuse of Departmental Equipment – 1 case
- Terroristic Threats – 1 case
Here is the exact list of decertification reasons, each occurring once in the document: Each reason for decertification appears exactly once in the document. There are no repeat occurrences of any single reason. This means that every listed officer was decertified for a unique violation.
- Aggravated Assault
- Aggravated Battery
- Armed Robbery
- Battery
- Bribery
- Burglary
- Cheating in the Academy
- Child Molestation
- Conduct Unbecoming an Officer
- Conspiracy to Commit a Crime
- Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor
- Criminal Damage to Property (Second Degree)
- Criminal Trespass
- Cruelty to Children
- Cruelty to Inmates
- Deceptive in an Internal Investigation
- Disorderly Conduct
- Domestic Violence
- Driving Under the Influence (DUI)
- Drug-Related Offenses
- Enticing a Child for Indecent Purposes
- Exploitation of the Elderly
- Failure to Appear in Court
- Failure to Cooperate in Internal Investigation
- Failure to Notify POST of Arrest
- Failure to Obey POST Council Sanction
- False Imprisonment
- False Information on Application
- Falsified Departmental Records
- Falsified Time Records
- Falsifying Legal Documents
- Financial Transaction Card Fraud
- Forgery in the Second Degree
- Fraud
- Furnishing Contraband to Inmates
- GCIC Violation
- Hindering Law Enforcement Officers
- Impersonating a Public Officer or Employee
- Improper Use of Firearm
- Insubordination
- Intoxicated on Duty
- Involvement with Inmates
- Items Prohibited for Possession by Inmates
- Misuse of Departmental Equipment
- Neglect of Duty
- Negligence
- Obstruction or Hindering Law Enforcement Officers
- Outside Employment Without Approval
- Perjury
- Pointing or Aiming Gun or Pistol at Another
- Possession of Controlled Drug with Intent to Distribute
- Prohibited Association
- Public Intoxication
- Racial or Discriminatory Speech
- Rape
- Refusal to Take Polygraph
- Refused Drug Test
- Refused or Failed to Cooperate in Internal Investigation
- Resigned in Lieu of Termination
- Resigned While Under Internal Investigation
- Sexual Assault Against Persons in Custody
- Sexual Battery
- Sexual Exploitation of Children
- Sexual Harassment
- Sexual Misconduct
- Simple Assault
- Simple Battery
- Sleeping on Duty
- Solicitation to Commit a Felony
- Statutory Rape
- Tampering with Evidence
- Terroristic Threats and Acts
- Tested Positive for Alcohol in System
- Tested Positive for Drugs in System
- Theft by Conversion
- Theft by Deception
- Theft by Shoplifting
- Theft by Taking
- Theft of Services
- Trafficking in Other Drugs
- Unfit to Perform Duties
- Untrue or Deceptive Statements
- Use of Communication Device to Commit a Crime
- Using Inmates for Personal Labor
- Violation of Facility Security Procedures
- Violation of Oath
- Violation of Security Procedures
- Ware County Sheriff’s Office
- Waycross Police Department
Disclaimer: This webpage is not an official government page or an emergency line. It is dedicated to displaying information about police misconduct and naming the agencies involved. The content provided here is for informational purposes only and does not constitute official records or legal advice. In case of an emergency, please contact your local authorities or dial 911. For official information, please refer to the appropriate government or law enforcement websites.
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