Georgia State Patrol GSP Department of Public Safety in Georgia

Department of Public safety Payroll listing

Jason B Ellis –

This state trooper would rather get massages and have fun while on the job!

On April 8, 2014, OPS Director Angie Holt received a complaint from retired GSP SGT Perry Hobbs against LT Donald Dixon Smith. Hobbs accused Smith of working a secondary job while reporting himself on duty with the Georgia State Patrol. Specifically, Smith was allegedly at the Masters Golf Tournament in civilian attire and using a non-departmental vehicle when he should have been on duty. This was during a week when other key personnel were away, making Smith the only Troop E commissioned officer on duty. Major Eddie Grier ordered an administrative investigation into the matter.

Investigations confirmed that Smith was indeed listed on the GSP Duty Roster during the times in question. Witnesses, including other officers, saw Smith at the Masters Golf Tournament location, seemingly working a private security job. Smith was also connected to a company named Augusta Sports & Travel (AST), which provides lodging and ticketing services during the Masters Golf Tournament. Smith admitted to receiving a “finder’s fee” from AST in December 2013 for securing a contract with Molson Coors.

Throughout the week of April 7-11, Smith reported himself as being on duty with the GSP, but evidence and his own admissions suggest he spent most of this time at AST, doing little to no GSP work. Smith operated his personal vehicle during these times and was in civilian attire. He claimed he was just “hanging out” at AST and was not contractually obligated to do anything.

Furthermore, a forensic analysis of Smith’s DPS issued computers revealed numerous inappropriate and sexually suggestive images.

**Findings**: The allegations against LT Donald Dixon Smith, claiming he worked a secondary job while reporting himself on duty with the Georgia State Patrol during the week of April 7-11, 2014, were sustained. Smith spent most of his reported duty hours at the Masters Golf Tournament and associated with AST, with minimal work done for GSP.

OPS Director Angie Holt, Retired GSP SGT Perry Hobbs, LT Donald Dixon Smith, Secondary Job, Georgia State Patrol, Masters Golf Tournament, Civilian Attire, Non-departmental Vehicle, Troop E, Major Eddie Grier, Administrative Investigation, GSP Duty Roster, Private Security Job, Augusta Sports & Travel (AST), Finder’s Fee, Molson Coors, Personal Vehicle, Inappropriate Images, Forensic Analysis, DPS Issued Computers, Allegations, Sustained, Duty Hours, Minimal GSP Work, Contractual Obligation

#OPSDirectorAngieHolt, #RetiredGSPSGTPerryHobbs, #LTDonaldDixonSmith, #SecondaryJob, #GeorgiaStatePatrol, #MastersGolfTournament, #CivilianAttire, #TroopE, #MajorEddieGrier, #GSPDutyRoster, #PrivateSecurity, #AugustaSportsTravel, #Finder’sFee, #MolsonCoors, #OnDutyScandal, #InappropriateContent, #ForensicAnalysis, #DPSComputers, #GSPInvestigation, #DutyHours, #GSPWork, #GolfTournamentScandal, #ASTConnection, #DutyViolation, #GSPControversy

Behind the scenes











Truth Social

Smith mentioned Lewis Blanchard in his interview. Look at all the “I quits”!!

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